Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Alyssa??? Alyssa who?

Yes, Alyssa does still live here and we love her lots! She is just not into letting me take her picture. I am hoping to get one soon of her and her car to post. Both are still doing well. I just have to be patient because she does NOT like her picture being taken nor does she fall for my pathetic attempts to trick her into taking her picture. She's smarter than me most of the time but I will not admit that to her so PLEASE keep it a secret.

Alyssa is leaving us on Saturday to go play softball in Oklahoma and to watch the softball World Series. I didn't know there was such a thing but she is excited and it should be fun for her. Wish we could go with her but we can't so she'll have to have fun without her family. We (well, mostly Alyssa) have been busy raising money so she can go to Oklahoma. She sold fries and tater tots (donated by Simplots-thank you everybody who bought some or donated!) and had a yard sale last weekend so I think she is ready to go. She is still working at Mickey D's but has not had many hours because of softball. She has plans to play softball through the summer so she will stay busy. I PROMISE to post pictures of her soon-She is AWESOME!!!

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